Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Something Wrapped in Something Wrapped in I Don't Know What

This Bachmann gal really perplexes me. The woman has an advanced law degree from William and Mary (William and frigging Mary, for Christ), but when she talks out loud she only sounds marginally more intelligent than Sarah Palin. The only thing that I can think of is that this is yet another example of compartmentalizing. The woman was so focused on what she did exceptionally (tax law and foster children), that she essentially didn't take the time to learn anything else (relying instead on literal interpretations of the Bible). Not a problem...until, that is, the woman ran for and got elected to Congress. THUD!


dmarks said...

I don't know, but I recently saw her held up by a hard-left "partisan beyond all reason, resulting in hypocrisy and lies" Democrat as an example of how awful the Republican Party is.

They forget, or are being misleading and don't want us to know. that the Republicans as a whole resoundingly rejected her during the primary process.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Then the republicans embraced the lying Ryan as it's VP candidate.

Republicans do love their shrill righty chicks though. They cheer Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter as long as all they are doing is saying whatever bullshit the right wants to hear about Democrats. But they wouldn't win the presidential primariy either.

That being said, I think we'd all "do" Michelle. Who doesn't appreciate her work on that corn dog?

Augghhh! WD will be mad at me for making Libs look bad by digging hot chicks.

BB-Idaho said...

William & Mary discontinued their
LLM degree some time back. While it sounds impressive, most law schools award an LLM with 20-24 credit units. For example, Boston
U (ranked 5th) offers an online LLM and UCLA (ranked 6th) has a
9 month program. IMO, W & M taught her about taxes, Oral Roberts about everything else.

dmarks said...

I checked two of the so-called Ryan lies at random. In both, he was telling the truth.

Les Carpenter said...

Truth, was beginning to think one of two things; 1) you became Rip Van Winkle or 2) you went underground.

At any rate nice to see you have awoken or returned above ground, whatever the case.

Michelle -vs- Bachmann, yeah you're right Truth the choice would be clear. With Coulter even clearer.

But hey, ya gotta admit Ingraham is hot though.

Rusty Shackelford said...

and the dems have........Wassermnan-Schultz

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I have no doubt Ryan loves his mother and children Dmarks. Those must be the two statements you looked up.

I think we can all agree if we had to "do" Bachman or Wasserman-Schultz the obvious choice would be Bachman.

I am in the interests of bipartisanship willing to listen to other opinions.

Ingraham? Hmmmm. No. I still of course read all your articles RN. Just been blogged out.

dmarks said...

Truth: actually they were politicla statements so-called 'factcheckers' called him on.

Too many so-called fact checkers are like the hardline Democrat "Tax Policy Center".

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm gonna give Bachmann some credit on the William and Mary thing. Yeah, the Oral Roberts association was no doubt more influential but 24 credits post JD is quite impressive, I think. AND her BA comes from Winona State which the Princeton Review rated as among the "best in the Midwest" and which US News and World Report rated as "top tier".......Now, of the 4 conservative women mentioned and which of them I would pick, yeah, probably Bachmann (though Coulter has to be a total rush intoxicated).......Truth, welcome back, me-buck.

BB-Idaho said...

I agree that Winona State is a fine
college..[pretty sure she didn't pick up her desire that intelligent design be taught as biology from that school though]
..and a BA from there would be very solid.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You think that Huntsman was referring to her when he said, "Call me crazy but I believe in evolution, etc."? I kinda do.

dmarks said...

Winona State? I took a class there.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Did I mention that it was a good school?

dmarks said...

And yes there is a connection between the university name and that of Winona Rider.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It's a Native-American name?

dmarks said...

The actress is named after the specific city, as is the university.

BB-Idaho said...

Yes, Winona is a native-American name.
Winona was the daughter of Chief
of the eastern Sioux and further
up the Mississippi River from Winona is the Minnesota town of

dmarks said...

Wabasha, of course, best known for those fine "Grumpy Old Men" movies.

BB-Idaho said...

They were probably grumpy from living up river from the coed
Bachmann down at Winona State?

dmarks said...

Yeah, and they left a rotten fish under her dorm room bed, which gave her a long lasting attitude problem.

dmarks said...

And BB, here are some of my older Wabasha-related posts.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Today Rusty actually felt sorry for two dems.....Jay Carney and Hillary Clinton. I felt sorry for both of them because they each had to say something that by watching them you just knew they were choking on the words they were saying.

They both had to toe the line and echo the White House talking points....now,Jay Carney is just a nerdy talking head who's job it is to say stupid shit every day,but Hil,thats a horse of a different color.She wants Obama re-elected to pave her way to 1600 in 2016.

Both of them today said all the shit hitting the fan in the Mid East is due to a video that not many have seen.They actually think the american public is ignorant enough to believe that some muslim's in Lybia were so pissed off at this movie they trucked their asses down to the local Home Depot,bought a couple RPG's,automatic weapons and bombs and proceeded to blow up the ambassador and three others while they were in a safe house? Shit....that was one badass movie.

And oh yea,it was a coincidence all this shit happened on 9-11.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I would SOOOOO do Winona Ryder.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Did I just type that?

dmarks said...

Her last name was stolen from Mitch Ryder of "the Detroit Wheels". I think that pre-dates her famous retail stealing career.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

"Devil With a Blue Dress On"/"Jenny Take a Ride" - now that was some good music.