Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Quick Synopsis on the Tax Policy Center's Study of Romney's Plan

1) The authors made certain critical assumptions; namely, that Mr. Romney would never do away with the deductions for municipal bond and life insurance savings interest and that he WOULD do away with the deduction for mortgage interest even for the middle-class (this, ostensibly, to make Mr. Romney look preposterous). 2) Mr. Romney has never spoken of or affirmed any of this.


BB-Idaho said...

Until I see Romneys detailed explanation of which loopholes,
I shall remain as sceptical as you.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Now THAT'S a legitimate criticism; his lack of specificity.

Jerry Critter said...

As he has done with his taxes, his lack of specificity is troubling. Why is he purposely hiding details. Is it because the voters won't like them? Inquiring minds want to know.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

His foreign policy sounds like it might be troubling, too.

Jerry Critter said...

He doesn't seem to be much of a diplomat if his recent trip to Europe is any indication.

Rusty Shackelford said...

You two were'nt paying attention.Romney was well recieved in both Israel and Poland...hell,he and Bibi worked together in Boston years ago and Lech endorsed him.You guys need to tune somewhere other then MSLSD.

Romney's lack of specitivity? I must have missed it,but what exactly was Obama's detailed plan to lower unemployment,reduce the deficit and cut spending? More of the past few years? I think I'll pass on that medicine.

"Today is the day the oceans begin to receed and the planet begins to heal." What a crock of shit.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Did I mention that I was voting for Johnson, Russ? Between Bush, Obama, and now maybe Romney, I think that we've probably blown up enough shit for a while now.

Rusty Shackelford said...

I think you want Johnson elected just to get the ganja legalized.I'm guessing you'd go to one of those coffee shops you mentioned,get a grande,go sit on a park bench and smoke a big spliff.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I can't hide anything from you, can I? LOL

Les Carpenter said...

Not to fear, I'm sure the panel during the Presidential debates (no doubt they'll be left leaning) will grill Willard Mittens RomneySkull on just the issue of mention here.

I am so pleased to hear you'll be voting for the man Will. Hey, you live in CT right? Perhaps we can get together, have a Grande and smoke a big spliff together. ;-)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Les, are you familiar with any of those coffee shops that I listed?

Les Carpenter said...

Haymarket Cafe... Northamton MA