Monday, May 30, 2022

On the Fact that (According to Famed Energy Expert, Roger Pielke) for the Planet to Reach Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050 (Never Mind by 2030) Countries Would Have to Construct One New Nuclear Power Plant Every Six Days for the Next 28 Years OR 1,500 2.5 Mw Wind Turbines Over 300 Square Miles of Territory Every Day for Those Same 28 Years (this While Decommissioning a Commensurate Amount of Hydrocarbon Energy During this Same Time-Frame)

This is clearly not doable (and to even try would kill millions of people) and yet we still have these brain-dead politicians and media shits attempting to foist this foolishness upon us.......And do they truly believe that homo sapiens are the sole determinant of atmospheric CO2 levels? Surely they can't be that stupid (CO2 levels having been close to 15 times higher in the past and since human beings weren't around......).

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