Monday, May 30, 2022

On Allen Iverson Leading the NBA In Scoring In 2001-02 (31.4 Points per Game) While Shooting a Pathetic 39.8% from the Field (21.9% from Beyond the Arc)

Iverson was a hard-nosed player who busted his tail every game but he was also an inefficient ballplayer who was never able to help any of his teammates get better (one of the prime tasks of a good point guard; Jason Kidd, John Stockton, Chris Paul) and for those two factors I'd have to rate him amongst the more overrated players of his time................................................................................................P.S. And, no, the guy apparently didn't like to practice, either. "Practice, we talkin' about practice.......We talkin' about practice......Not the game, PRACTICE." You know the thing (to quote Biden).

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