Sunday, May 29, 2022

On Some Asshole Fascist at Davos Recently Suggesting that Governments Will Eventually Possess Something Called a "Carbon Footprint Tracker" Where Statist Parasites Like Him Can Maintain a Minute by Minute Tally of Our Carbon Footprint

First off, carbon's one of the fundamental building blocks of life and so to demonize it like these power-hungry imbeciles do is problematic right off the bat. But even if it did represent an issue (unlikely in that the warming effects of CO2 on the atmosphere are logarithmic and so not especially dangerous), creating a fucking world-wide police and surveillance apparatus not only won't solve the problem, it'll make it far worse because it's liberated human beings who solve these problems, not highly centralized parasitic sociopaths (can you say, the old Soviet Union?).......In case you hadn't noticed already.

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