Monday, May 28, 2018

On Tommy Robinson Getting Arrested and Thrown In Prison by British Goons Simply for Covering an Event In a Public Space (the Bullshit Charge Being "Breaching the Peace")

And to add to the tyranny, the fascistic judge who sentenced Tommy also instituted a media blackout in which sites like the Guardian, the Telegraph, the Independent, RT, and even the BBC deleted all of their articles pertaining to the issue. This is some real scary shit, folks, and if the politicians on this side of the pond are even contemplating something like this, they probably need to reconsider and think about those 300,000,000 firearms still in circulation...….If you're catching my drift...……………………………………………………………………….P.S. And, yes, the event that Mr. Robinson was covering was the trial of that grooming gang that raped, assaulted, and molested HUNDREDS of young girls (a horrible sequence of events that the British government did its best to sweep under the carpet because they didn't want to upset the Muslims)…….For the record.

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