Tuesday, May 29, 2018

On the Israel Versus Gaza Fiasco

I've been quite critical of Israel lately (Netanyahu's constant lies about the Iranian nuclear program, the fact that they're always dragging us into these bullshit conflicts, etc.) but on this one they're more or less in a no-win situation. I mean, do they let hordes of low IQ barbarians storm into their country and terrorize their citizens, or do they use lethal force to stop them and risk global condemnation (or worse; sanctions, etc.)? It's certainly not a decision that I'd want to make and the only advice that I could give Israel at this point would be to build another wall (just like the one on the West Bank) in that while it wouldn't stop the rocket attacks or the tunnel digging, it would avoid a lot of what we've been seeing on the news recently......which would be positive.

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