Monday, May 28, 2018

On the Fact that that Idiot, Rachel Maddow, Actually Asked James Clapper (the Heavyweight Champion of Liars but I Digress) if Any of that Ludicrous Bought and Paid for Piss Dossier Has Been Proven NOT to Be True

Is this woman seriously that moronic as to think that charges against a citizen don't have to be proven (beyond a reasonable doubt) and that it is up to the person being charged to DISprove them? I mean, I could just as easily spout off that it hasn't been disproven that Ms. Maddow had bangin' hot sex with a tranny orangutan last night and so therefor I'm going to continue to imply that the chick did (providing that I had the same lack of morals, that is)…….You see what I'm sayin'?

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