Sunday, June 21, 2015

On Northern Emancipation

Well, it certainly didn't free all the slaves in that a great many northern slave owners (in a ploy to protect their investment) simply sent their slaves south to be sold/auctioned off. You see, it wasn't the slaves themselves in many instances who got emancipated (the last slave in Rhode Island, for instance, died off 1859) but their children and in an effort to recoup their original investment they simply sold their slaves..................................................................................................Of course, what is probably the most diabolical element of all here is the fact that a great many of these same northern states immediately instituted "black codes" which would have made it next to impossible for blacks (on the contingency that southern slaves were ever emancipated) to reside there (and even in northern states that allowed blacks to live there, they had no rights) and so where in the hell were the freed slaves supposed to go (we know for a fact that Lincoln and a lot of the abolitionists wanted them to go back to Africa)?...Oh, yeah, the north was super enlightened.

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