Sunday, June 21, 2015

On those Who Profited from Slavery

Let's put it this way, folks. Those rich northern bankers and industrialists probably got a wee bit more out of it than the poor white trash from the Allegheny and Blue Ridge Mountains did. Just ask the Mayor of New York in 1861.


  1. Huh? Your point for this on the heels of the Charleston , South Carolina Church murders of 9 black individuals is exactly what?

    Oh, I know, deflection away from the truth about the motivations of the 21 year old who committed the atrocities.

    This is beyond the pale.

  2. My point has nothing to do with those murders (and of course his motivations were racist - duh!) and everything to do with the fact that the North was every bit as racist as the South was during slavery and that you'd have to be utterly biased not to see that.

  3. It appears that the Jersey persona has taken complete control here. Sadly.

  4. Explains why the "poor white trash from the Allegheny and Blue Ridge Mountains"
    entered the US as West Virginia. Large portions of other border states, Kentucky,
    Tennessee and Missouri, were deeply divided between unionists and confederates for
    the same reasons.

  5. I was referring to the poor white trash from Virginia and North Carolina and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't the poor folks of West Virginia who were behind THIS secession but the politicians.

  6. "By the fall of 1863 that loyalty--and the loyalty of other areas of the Confederacy as well--had indeed become questionable. The hated draft law, suspension of the rights of habeas corpus and freedom of speech by the administration of Jefferson Davis, economic privations, and military defeats at the hands of the North had turned the mountain districts of the Carolinas, Georgia, and Alabama into hotbeds of anti-Confederate sentiment. Following Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg, a hard core of Southern Unionists came increasingly into the open all over the region, encouraging draft resistance, desertion, and other means of obstructing the Confederate war effort. Among North Carolina troops popular feelings against the war and mass desertions became so common that Confederate commanders felt they could no longer rely on them to fight. When Richmond fell, North Carolina could provide no base for further support of the Confederacy. War-time Governor Zebulon Vance summed up the situation in North Carolina in 1864, stating that "the great popular heart is not now and never has been in this war. It was a revolution of the politicians, not the people."
    [According to numerous accounts, the failure of the Confederacy in North Carolina was a heavy blow to the Southern cause. See Paul Escott, After Secession, P. 133; Bardolph, "Inconstant Rebels," p. 168; and Roberts, "Peace Movement," p. 198. The Zebulon Vance quote, emphasis in the original, is in Otto H. Olsen, Carpetbagger's Crusade: The Life of Albion Winegar Tourgee (1965), P. 38.]

  7. The Irish immigrants up north hated the draft, too. And the hundreds of newspapers that Lincoln closed down, HIS suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, his targeting of civilians, his jailing of people simply for free speech, etc. didn't exactly make him popular anywhere on the continent and a huge anti-war sentiment existed up north as well (Lincoln actually going as far as to deport Clement Vallandigham).......And one could also easily say that "It was a war of aggression of the tariff addicted President, not of the people."


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