Saturday, June 20, 2015

On Climate Change

Yes, the climate will change (as it has for the past six BILLION years). As long as there's a sun, a moon, oceans, cosmic rays, clouds, volcanoes (under and above the water), plates in the earth, planetary perturbations, bacteria, etc., the climate will vary, and there will even be times when it's chaotic. But what people have to realize is that there is just as much of a chance that the temperatures will DECREASE in that solar cycle 24 is moving into a quieter phase in terms of sunspots (I refer you to Russia's Pulkovo Observatory, Danish solar scientist Henrik Svensmark, Russian solar physicist Habibullo Abdussamatov, meteorologist Joe Bastardi, geologist Don Easterbrook, electrical engineer and former Australian climate modeler David Evans, German geologist Sebastian Luning, engineer and former NASA consultant John Casey - yes, all of whom have been smeared by the lunatics at Desmog Blog). And like I've stated many times before, cooling is a much more dangerous scenario in that if we come anywhere near to where we were during the Maunder Minimum, things could get quite dicey indeed. You just might want to stock up on supplies and get some means to protect them.


  1. Seen this, Will?

    How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight

    After all my references to how the treatment of scientists who don't kowtow to the dominant "climate change" dogma being like how the Vatican treated Galileo...

    I never thought the connection would become this strong.

  2. How long since the advent of the industrial revolution until now?

    Interesting many continue to believe human activity has zero impact on their environment.

  3. Nobody is saying that human activity doesn't influence the environment. The issue that people like dmarks and I have is this assertion that one of the key building-blocks of life is somehow causing catastrophic warming.

  4. And the obsession with this whole we ignore real environmental problems.

  5. And human problems like malaria, malnutrition, and indoor air pollution.


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