Monday, January 26, 2015

On President Obama Consenting to a Trio of Interviews with Internet Dullards

Who is advising this fellow? And what about HIS judgement, for Christ sakes? I mean, I know that Bush was shaky on a whole host of dimensions as well, but wasn't this guy supposed to be smarter?


  1. The chicks look pretty cute, yes?

    Working the youth vote.

  2. Can't say that I like the one who bathes with Fruit Loops.


  3. Come on,cut Obama some slack,I mean what former president wouldn't line up to talk to a fat,sloppy,ignorant black chick sitting in a milk bath eating her way through a box of Fruit Loops?
    The only thing missing was her making fart bubbles in the milk.

  4. Trying to connect with the young VOTER is stupid?!? Get a clue!


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