Monday, January 26, 2015

On Rand Paul's Foreign Policy

The guy is really trying to thread the needle. On the one hand, his libertarian philosophy is telling him that these wars are fucking bullshit and that we really need to focus more on trade and defending America. But on the other hand, he also knows that in order to gain any traction as a national Republican (the fellow is obviously thinking about running for President), he has no choice but to play that "I'm strong on national defense" party-line BS. I almost kind of feel sorry for the fellow (and anybody else who tries to wedge them self into this idiotic two party system)....and for the voters who have to watch these dumb Kabuki dances.


  1. Paul certainly will face challenges with the GOP hawks.

    I wish Huntsman was going to toss his hat in
    the ring in 22016 but it ain't gonna happen.

    Maybe Johnson will run again? With the current prospects we should hope he does.

  2. Sadly, Paul is probably the best of the lot at this juncture (him or Jeb, I would say).

  3. I agree Will. Rand and Jeb in that order. My concern with Jeb is this, will he be more like the father or the brother? If the later he would drop to the bottom.

    Another thing, the idea of an American political family dynasty, no matter from which parrty, I find especially objectionable.


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