Monday, January 19, 2015

On Fat, Stupid Michael Moore Denigrating American Sniper/War Hero, Chris Kyle, Calling Him a Coward

I can't even look at this asshole anymore....And did you see how he tried to back away from it once the shit hit the fan, saying that wasn't actually talking about Kyle? I mean, come on.


  1. Its amazing....a fat tub of shit like Moore cant understand that Chris Kyle did three tours under fire so Moore can have the freedom to denigrate American hero's.

    Greg Gutfeld had a great comment today he said.....Michael Moore couldn't carry Clint Eastwoods jock strap...

  2. I couldn't really look at him before....

    As a former Army Sniper, I've always taken great exception to the lazy, drive-by media using the term erroneously to describe some idiot criminal with a rifle and an overdeveloped sense of importance. Pet peeve of mine.

    But I believe this is the first time I've ever heard/read somebody calling Sniper's - cowards. This only illustrates both the selection, training and rigor that military Snipers endure to hone our craft.

    My only regret with this episode would be that the insult come from someone who could actually fit in a uniform. I expect him to next attempt to use 'skinny' as a pejorative.

  3. Long day...much scotch...

    The sentence should have read "This only illustrates the ignorance of the selection, training and rigor that military Snipers endure to hone our craft."

  4. He literally couldn't carry it, Russ (he's that out of shape).

  5. The last straw for me, CI and Les, was when he made that movie on capitalism and quite rightly pointed out how we've morphed into a crony capitalistic system. But instead of blaming the cronyinsm and the government involvement, he blamed capitalism! That was a bridge way, way too far for me.......That, and he wants us to emulate the Cuban healthcare system.


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