Monday, January 19, 2015

On Al Sharpton Going Bonkers Over the Fact that No African-American Actors Were Nominated for an Oscar this Year

a) The dude must think that it's an affirmative action program. b) Blacks are only 12% of the population and so proportional representation would have been only 2 nominations anyway (a threshold that they've exceeded more than several times). c) This is only the second time in the last 2 decades that blacks have been shut out of the 4 acting categories. d) With the black unemployment rate being double that of whites, the black on black homicide rate being exponential, the illegitimacy rate in the black community being over 70%, and the black dropout rate being over 30%, you'd think that Sharpton would already have his hands full and that something like this wouldn't even register (yeah, I know, it's Sharpton). e) I strongly suspect that this is little more than yet another Sharpton shakedown and that the limousine-liberal Hollywood community will probably pony up.

1 comment:

  1. Rev.Al is trying to cover the four million he owes in back Christmas he might try to stick up the Salvation Army for not having enough blacks manning the red buckets.

    The shame is,this race baiting,tax dodging,lying con man has open access to the oval office.

    Hell,this greasy bastard might be sitting in Michelle's box tomorrow night.


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