Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Not All Nautical Disasters Are Created Equal, Apparently

At the tail-end of WW2, Russian submarines sank two German vessels (the MVs Goya and Wilhelm Gustloff) which were carrying mostly refugees and wounded soldiers. They represent two of the most disastrous maritime events in world history and, while every fool and his sister knows about the sinking of the Lusitania, hardly anybody knows about these two disasters (one of which resulted in the drowning of 5,000 CHILDREN). Why is that, folks? I mean, is this just another example of the victors getting to write the history and who in the hell cares about German children anyway?...Man, do we ever need a fresh look at these wars.


  1. And Stalinesque socialism (you know, the kind that murders 40,000,000 folks) at that.


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