Friday, November 14, 2014

The Most Paranoiac Cable-News Host Ever?

The knee-jerk reaction is of course to go with one of the usual suspects; Keith Olbermann, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, etc., but back in 2011, when MSNBC's Ed Schultz accused CNN's Anderson Cooper and GQ Magazine of conspiring against him (this, after GQ had named him one of the top 25 least influential people in the country), how in the hell do you top that? I vote for this asshole......................................................................................P.S. This is what they said about him - "There are so many repugnant political pundits on TV now, we tend to forget that the likes of Sean Hannity actually represent the best of the lot. Hannity is a piece of shit, but at least he can get your average 85-year-old, gay-hating, gold-hoarding grandma to tune in. Then there are pundits like Schultz. Do you watch The Ed Show on MSNBC? Of course you don't. No one does. The only reason people watch The Ed Show is they're working out in a hotel gym and they can't find a staff member to change the channel to ESPN. Did you know MSNBC suspended Schultz this year? It did! He called Laura Ingraham a 'right-wing slut', and he still couldn't get noticed."......That gold, Jerry, gold!


  1. That's your "war on women". Like when the Jerry Brown campaign called its Republican female opponent a"whore".

    It's a special privilege that left-wing, Democratic men seem to have.

  2. This from MSNBC. Remember their Virg Bernero? semi-host, contributor, etc.

    Another crazy nut... the one who used "Cowboys and Indians" style language to threaten the murder of Native Americans that opposed a business deal he was getting rich on.

    The construction company even slipped him a $10,000 check.

    Left-wing corruption and crony capitalism at its worst.... and violence-tinged racism at its worst too. If Virg's language had instead come from the KKK, people would have said it was typical.

  3. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to tune into all 3 big cable news networks. What I saw was not encouraging.

    On CNN... in prime time, there was a black-haired woman (from the Charlie's Angel's movies maybe?) slowly walking around in South America talking about a natural version of LSD. The type of filler crap you might find on a second-rate version of Discovery Channel. Or PBS. What????

    I switched to MSNBC for a while. Rachel Maddow was doing the usual "we are far behind, and we always act like it" schtick. Predictable. She was attacking something Stewart Varney said on Fox, using the usual MSNBC tactics of editing Varney's statement to make him look bad.

    MSNBC is famous for this: remember the Zimmerman and Martin case. Trayon Martin was full of racial hatred and used racist epithets in his speech all the time. Zimmerman showed no evidence of racism. So MSNBC chose to downplay Martin's racism, and they pieced together some of Zimmerman's separated words to make a racist quote from him...

    Anyway back to Maddow's show. Maddow was rather unprofessional, barking her statements, beaming, and throwing her head from side to side like she was having a seizure, or on crack. And you know what? Even with Varney's statements edited. Varney was still correct and Maddow was lying.

    Two news channels, terrible so far... Surely Fox wouldn't be as bad. Could it?

    So I turned over to Fox News. Karl Rove's big fat face filled the screen. Let me tell you, it's enough to make a person regret getting a big-screen TV. I shut off the set within 2 seconds.

    My opinion of all 3 cable news networks knocked down even more.


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