Friday, November 14, 2014

Yeah, I'm More With Paul on this One

While I don't agree completely with Paul's blowback theory (radical Islam is the least pluralistic ideology on the planet and those assholes would lash out at the West no matter what - just ask that Danish cartoonist), I do agree with it enough to know that Rudy Giuliani was being a demagogic nationalistic douche-bag when he went off on Paul during that 2007 debate and tried to a) make Congressman Paul sound unpatriotic and b) totally exonerate the U.S. when it is obvious to any fair-minded individual that American foreign policy certainly hasn't helped. If you're asking me here, Giuliani should probably go back to focusing on his comb-over and leave the serious discussions to those who can handle nuance.


  1. Just another neo con sabre rattling lunatic. He had him moment of fame and tried to use it as a springboard to national prominence and the presidency. Thankfully the board lost it's spring and broke.

  2. Giuliani is an attention whore who politicized 9/11 and then road that donkey until the hooves fell off.

  3. I remember well his campaign, where 9/11 his answer to everything.

    Except his intentionally bad hair.

    What is it with joke candidates from NYC with really awful hair?

  4. Both Paul's have their problems, but it seems that they step out of the lemming-pack more often than just about all of the partisan drones.


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