Saturday, November 15, 2014

You Had Better Talk, Kid

According to Robert Conquest's classic book, "The Great Terror", Stalin's goon squads (the NKVD) eventually started going after the general population (Greeks, Chinese, Jews, and Ukrainians were especially targeted and for the most part nobody even knew what they were being "charged" with) and even went as far as to torture kids under 10 (trying to extract confessions to God only knows what). I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Stalin was probably the worst SOB of the 20th Century and if you don't believe me just check out the stats from the mass burial sites; 9,000 corpses at Vinnitsa, 50,000 at Khabarovsk/Vladivostok, 46,000 at Gorno-Altaisk, 50,000 at Kuropaty.......Those'll convince your ass.


  1. He was possibly exceeded by Mao, a man who was of course driven by the dominant form of socialism in the world: Marxism-Leninism, as continued by its standard bearer Josef Stalin.

    Mao in turn inspired Pol Pot. And he also inspired Van Jones, who didn't kill anyone, thank god, but as "Green Jobs Czar", presided over the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs while Obama's connected friends got rich off of schemes for useless windmills and batteries.

  2. According to former Gorbachev adviser, Yuri Maltzev, Stalin (he who wd deemed worthy of quoting) and his goon squads probably killed around 40,000,000 people. If Mao can compete with that, that would be "impressive".

  3. Quoting someone as part of a reasonable argument is one thing. Quoting someone's evil-minded utrue statement, deeply rooted in that someone's justification for killing tens of millions of innocents, is another thing quite entirely.

    About Mao? The estimates I have seen are between 20 and 40 million, similar to those for Stalin. So yes, Mao can compete with that.

    Socialism in full flower.


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