Tuesday, September 2, 2014

On "Selfies"

Just what the country needs; more narcissism, more self-absorption, more self-indulgence, more self-promotion, more superficiality, more mental midgets preening for the camera....Can you all say, decline?


  1. Tonight Mrs.Rusty had a meeting so I went to a local pub to eat dinner. There were 10 other people sitting at the bar...eight of them had their devices in their hands and they were texting...doesn't anyone talk anymore...

    A friend of mine thinks that in 500 years human wont have vocal cords and will just have thumbs on their hands....hey,it could happen.

  2. Perhaps in 5 million years. Evolution is a relatively slow process.

  3. Selfies:
    Matthew Brady, Ansul Adams,
    Margaret Bourke-White and Robert
    Capa would not be amused.
    (must confess, I took one when I
    got my new glasses and it is a hell of a lot better than the
    photo they took at the driver
    license place!)


  4. I saw some dope walking through the lobby last week who was texting while walking....he did'nt see the suitcase and he went ass over teacups,his device slid about 30'.....it was like watching the fat lady on the banana peel.....funny,really funny

  5. And of course it was Rusty who placed the suitcase. For the win, again!


  6. Nope dmarks...I was an innocent bystander....but is was funny.

  7. I can almost hear the phone skittering across the floor..


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