Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Some Food For the Bottom-Feeder (No, Not wd) to Feast Upon

a) This is the satellite temperature data - - and as any idiot can plainly see, there has been NO atmospheric warming for over 17 years now (this, despite the fact that CO2 levels have skyrocketed by 28%). Yes, the alarmists have shamelessly and moronically attempted to torture the data via cherry-picking, the rank utilization of contaminated land thermometers, and the removal from the data of other effects such as oceanic oscillations but the data is the data and those twits were wrong.............b) And in science, when the data doesn't support the theory, you alter the theory, not the data.............c) Yes, corporations do wield a shitload of power. But where do they get this damned power? THEY GET IT FROM GOVERNMENT (big government to be more precise)!! G.E., Halliburton, Goldman Sachs, H&R Block, Google, Philip Morris (those cock-suckers practically wrote the tobacco bill, for Christ sakes), etc. - all of these companies have benefited hugely from government favoritism and it is the smaller businesses who disproportionately take it up the poop-shoot (according the the Small Business Administration, smaller businesses pay something like 40% more per employee for regulatory compliance than corporations and, because of that, corporations LOOOOOOOOOOVE regulations).............d) Anybody who even knows a minuscule amount about the four earth sciences knows that natural systems (of which the earth obviously is) are almost always characterized by negative feedbacks and low sensitivity. It is how they sustain themselves and for a perfect example you really don't need to look any farther than your own damned body. I mean, think about it here. When a pathogen, toxin, or parasite enters your body, are there elements in your body which radically make the insult worse? Of course there aren't!! It's the absolute opposite in fact (fever, excretion, inflammation, emesis, secretions, etc. all serving to make the insult LESS severe) and the exact same thing is true regarding the earth (as evidenced by the research of Richard Lindzen and Roy Spencer which has consistently shown that the amount of radiation escaping back into space has actually INCREASED during the satellite era).............e) Now is this to say that human activity can't has a negative effect on the environment? No, of course not. Plastics in the ocean, particulate matter in the atmosphere, and a whole host of other things can and DO damage the environment and I am even willing to admit here that a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere will probably cause some warming. BUT IT WON'T BE A LOT (.4 to .6 of a degree Celsius possibly) and it certainly isn't worth devastating the entire Western economy over.............f) Meteorologists can't predict the weather more than ten days in advance and, yet, we are still led to believe that these same moronic climate models (97% of which have overestimated - some of them greatly - the actual warming - can somehow tell us what the climate is going to be 100, 200 years from now? That is absurd!............g) And this whole claim (which even our President had made on numerous occasions) that extreme weather events are getting worse and more frequent is utter bullshit (for a fuller delineation that also includes Roger Pielke's recent Senate testimony - It is absolutely not the case and if anything multiple indices have actually gotten better (the fact that we haven't had a category three or higher level hurricane hit the mainland in going on nine years now, for example).............h) As for the assertion that preventing global warming is more expensive that adapting to it, it is hardly a controversial one in that even Yale economist Richard Nordhaus (a strong proponent of AGW) has posited that the Stern proposal would cost $27 trillion and only obviate the damage of global warming by $13 trillion and that the Al Gore proposal would cost $34 trillion and only obviate the damage of global warming by $12 trillion (and I personally believe that these numbers greatly underestimate the disparity).............i) And while, yes, do I in fact share your trepidation regarding corporate America, those folks can't even hold a small candle to governments when it comes to killing people. According to the University of Hawaii's R.J. Rummel, governments have slaughtered over 260 million of their own citizens and this doesn't even include all of the stupid wars that they've gotten us into. Corporate America, absent the government to bail their sorry cans out? Oh yeah, I'm really scared.............h) And just when you think that this whole global warming hysteria can't get any more absurd, THIS -  One of the bloggers over at Climate Depot did some research and the dude came up with over 30 pairs of contradictory findings from studies conducted by warmists. Here, bra, are just 12 of the funnier pairings; 1 - Amazon dry season greener - Amazon dry season browner. 2 - Avalanches may increase - Avalanches may decrease. 3 - Coral island atolls to sink - Coral island atolls to rise. 4 - East Africa to get less rain - East Africa to get more rain. 5 - Great Lakes to get less snow - Great Lakes to get more snow. 6 - Indian monsoons to be drier - Indian Monsoons to be wetter. 7 - Indian rice yields to decrease - Indian rice yields to increase. 8 - North Atlantic cod to decline - North Atlantic cod to thrive. 9 - North Atlantic cyclone activity to increase - North Atlantic cyclone activity to decrease. 10 - Northern Hemisphere ice sheets to decline - Northern Hemisphere ice sheets to grow. 11 - Swiss mountain debris flow may increase - Swiss mountain debris flow may decrease. 12 - Winters may be warmer - Winters may be colder.............For the entire listing, please go to, - it is absolutely hilarious.


  1. You have a second comment-wanker?

  2. It's that Octopus character who I consider to be a meaner version of wd and a hell of a lot more in love with himself.......And of course he buys the AGW narrative hook, line, and sinker.

  3. And speaking of it, I love Richard Lindzen's take on AGW; "It's trivially true and numerically insignificant."

  4. Someday our sun will be a black hole. But I won't be losing any sleep over that either.

  5. About " And while, yes, do I in fact share your trepidation regarding corporate America, those folks can't even hold a small candle to governments when it comes to killing people..."

    BB (who of course is no WD) was correct to point out those incidents like companies outright gunning strikers down a hundred years ago.

    However, when you have one of these incidents per 10,000 incidents of governments killing people, it says something.

  6. Will, as for Octo, I never forget that argument I had with him in which he flipped his lid defending the idea of paying union-thug New York transit "workers" as much as $200,000 a year.... an average of 30%-40% more than the average fair free market wage of transit workers. An amount that puts the city a billion dollars in the hole every year. (And yes, Les/RN, this is why such waste is a big deal. A billion dollars, just for this group alone).

    (I have nothing against workers, but if a huge chunk of your "wage" is a welfare payment that you don't need, stolen from taxpayers, that's a different matter altogether).

    Octo moaned about the high cost of living in New York City that justifies this massive unearned handout. And as an example, he didn't use the average cost of living, housing, etc... he instead cherry-picked one of the most expensive Manhattan neighborhoods.

  7. I seem to remember it a tad differently. But no sense swimming after water that has passed under the bridge.

    On an unrelated matter. Check out wd's new gig over at his LLIN cesspool. Dude has totally lost it. Certifiable, there is now longer even a sliver of a doubt In wd's case.

  8. Les, I can handle Shaw, I can handle Jerry, I can handle BB Idaho, I can handle Dave Miller (I actually like the latter 3) but I cannot handle Tao and Octopus. They literally make my skin crawl.

    1. What about Truth 101, Will?

      He seemed to have ended his blog when he described WD in scathing... and truthful... terms. But he probably reads.

      And no, Will, I still don't think Octo or Tao are anything like WD. All are left of center, politically, yes....but other more important criteria differentiate them

  9. RN: One reason I did bring it up again was because you wondered why I was "on" about this. I never quite explained it then. Then, as now, I looked at average wages, average housing cost in NYC: looking for the most authoritative, recent figures.

    I feel this billion dollars in NYC is better spent on poor people or schools.

    "Check out wd's new gig over at his LLIN cesspool"

    He positively worships you.

  10. Anyway, Les and Will, I don't agree with Will's assessment of Octo being anywhere near like WD, or even "meaner".

    He has strong opinions, and expresses them forcefully. In that, as Les has said, he is not too different from the rest of us. Except perhaps for the hyperpartisanship. But so what...

    WD on the other hand outright praises Stalin, thinks it is great to call black people the N word and use other slurs, thinks that it is fine and dandy for a politician to worship Mao (due to Mao's excellent record on police brutality, of all things!) engages in trolling just for a pat on the back from Shaw, spent last Christmas cranking out thousands of words of gay Santa porn that he tried to post on my blog, and sends Will hundreds of "love letters" per week. Not to mention the many blogs in his "House of Canards" with fetish fan picture mashups of Les.

    With his demand to murder George W. Bush, obsession with "war crimes" that never occured, and repeated insistence that the "OIC" cabal of terrorist despots is "moderate", WD is the type of guy who might find the Secret Service rolling tear gas canisters into his crawlspace when a President visits... no matter which President.

    None of this applies to Octopus. Can't imagine him ever going off the deep end like this.

  11. By the way, here is one of the comments that WD composed and attempted to place on my blog on Dec 13, 2013. This stuff sits in the spam filter, for Google's analysis. It being WD, the first two syllables of the word "analysis" are quite emphasized. You will understand when you read this. Any names (and there are several in his fantasy) inside this have been changed to "...". Other than this, WD's writings are completely unaltered.

    "Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
    No weinergrams were in receipt, not even from ...;
    The computer was running and outlook was open,
    In hopes that many weinergrams would soon be there;
    ... was nestled all snug in his bed,
    While visions of a nude Mr. ... danced in his head,

    And ... completely nude himself, except for a cap,
    Had just settled his wang for a long winter's nap —
    When from the computer there arose such a clatter,
    ... sprang from the bed to see if new weinergrams were what was the matter.
    Away to the computer screen ... flew like a flash,
    One hand on his weiner, the other ready to pump lotion into his lap.
    The moon on the breast of the naked woman was displayed on the screen,
    Gave ... no incentive to pound on the object below;
    When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,
    Another email from ... in which he displayed his tiny reindeer (AKA his wiener),
    ... liked what he saw, it caused his wiener, so lively and quick,
    He knew the moment he put his hand on his stick.
    More rapid than eagles his orgasms they came... "
    - Dervish Sanders, 1:18 PM.

    I'm not sure Will, but I shudder to think how much WD enjoyed writing this. And this was during a year he sent hundreds of missives like this.


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