Monday, September 1, 2014

Michael Crichton on (Global Warming) Certainty

"I'm certain that there's too much certainty."......Well said, Mr. Crichton, well said.


  1. He has a skeptical, yet inquisitive mind, and lack superstition.

  2. He will be missed (except by Gavin Schmidt who he wiped the floor with in that PBS debate).

  3. Yes indeed. In both camps. However valid science gets the nod, as it well should.

  4. I just hope that you're not including Michael Mann, Phil Jones, James Hanson, and Ben Santer into that category.

  5. Science is science and snake oil is snake oil. There is some of the later in both camps but too few of the former in one.

  6. You got that right, Russ. And it wasn't just Crichton, either. He also ducked Bjorn Lomborg and Lord Monckton and only agreed to do interviews when he knew the questions in advance.

  7. Les, only 2 of the 70-something IPCC climate models accurately predicted the warming. Can you name me one other human endeavor that would have been able to sustain itself with a prognostication percentage that sorrowful?

    1. Jeane Dixon and preachers who dwell on Revelation?

      Piss poor record, and no more based in faith, dogma, and superstition.

  8. And the ironic part, dmarks, is that 80-90% of the skeptics (myself included) actually DO believe in anthropogenic global warming and the entire thing centers around degree. Yes, when you put additional CO2 into the atmosphere, you will get SOME warming, but it's not going to be a lot and it certainly isn't going to be enough to melt the Arctic ice cap and put 80% of Florida under water.


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