Thursday, September 4, 2014

On the Constipated Mathematician

He worked it out with a pencil.


  1. I just dropped by Col. Swirly Deviant's butt-blogs, and wouldn't you know the dude actually made a post about this, several times longer than your original joke (found in his "Rational Nation" worshipping sub-blog). One can only guess that WD, unlike Will, is writing from experience.

    My half joking jest that WD will get all excited over Rusty's diarrhea report over at the real "Rational Nation" is more on-the-money than I originally figured.

  2. We have these entertainers who come to the facility. They mostly play music but some of them tell corny jokes as well. This is one of them and I literally had to leave the room 'cause I was laughing so hard.......wd's a dope!


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