Thursday, September 4, 2014

On CO2, The Planet's Overall Energy Budget, And Global Warming

CO2 represents a minuscule fraction of the earth's overall energy budget and yet we are still led to believe that this trace-gas is capable of wagging the entire meteorological tail. I mean, I know that CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas and all but when you also consider the fact that a) its relationship to warming is a logarithmic one, b) the feedbacks are almost definitely negative, c) it is the warming itself that may in fact be causing at least some of these increases in CO2, and d) there are just so many much more plausible explanations for the modest increases in temperature (solar activity, volcanic inactivity, cosmic rays, oceanic oscillations, planetary perturbations, etc.), you really do have to wonder here (though, no, not really - the governments started it and the "scientists" complied) how this whole global warming craziness started.

1 comment:

  1. So, go ahead, have a big pork BBQ this weekend, with smoky briquets.

    Do this even though some religious extremists get offended by pork, an even though some other nut-jobs think doing so will "destroy Mother Earth".

    It's all the same, it's all faith-based offenses.


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