Friday, September 5, 2014

Lenin's Main Reason For Wanting to Exit WW2?

Try, because he needed the manpower to wage war on his own citizens and buttress Bolshevik dominion.....................................................................................Oh, and if you that this asshole isn't in the same class as Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, think again. According to famed historian, Ian Kershaw, Lenin's goon-squad, the Cheka, a) executed 1,300 people in Petrograd alone during the month of September (1918), b) slaughtered close to 4,000 striking workers in Astrakhan during a three-day-long reign of misery/terror, c) massacred close to 1,000 bourgeois in Astrakhan as a by-product of looting their homes (how dare these folks have possessions) and raping their spouses, d) slaughtered over 10,000 peasants in Samara and Simbirsk in a successful effort to crush that rebellion, and e) executed more than 6,000 Cossacks in early 1920 to viciously put down an uprising in the Ukraine.......And these, folks, were just the fucking appetizers.


  1. The man was a fearsome imperialist also, having directed the armies of his new Russian empire to invade and annex a dozen independent nations.

    It is truly a tragedy: Russia's lost 70 years under socialism. Lenin, after all, overthrew a democracy.

  2. Quoting Stalin (or Lenin) is one thing, as part of an argument or fairly scholarly discourse. (i.e. you quoting Michael Mann's non-scientific statements)

    Presenting as a positive thing an evil quotation which is central to their justification for killing tens of millions of people, as WD did, is another thing entirely.

  3. Karl Marx died a disillusioned man. Many bastardized and misused his works.

  4. That so many have interpreted Marx's works to mean ultra oppressive rule is a problem fundamentally rooted in Marx's works themselves.


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