Tuesday, June 17, 2014

On Bill O'Reilly's Assertion that We Should be Bombing the Rebels in Iraq

Maybe. Maybe. But the way that I see this sucker, Iran has just as much invested in this Maliki asshole as we do and wouldn't it be refreshing for a change to see the Iranians take some of that incoming, Iranians and al Qaeda slaughtering each other while we take a much needed powder? I mean, yeah, I would tell the terrorists to stay away from Kurdistan and that if they didn't we would blow their derrieres all the way to kingdom-come but short of that, I'm saying, I say let these Neanderthal lunatics go, sell some popcorn even.


  1. Ironic how we will find ourselves alligned with Iran, Al Qaeda, ect if we continue to prop up the corrupt Shiite Maliki government.

    On an off topic subject. Has anyone else noticed wd, aka derVis sanDers has more sock puppets that camels have fleas?

    Just sayin...

    1. RN: To put it crudely, one does not need to know how many brown trout float in the bowl in order to flush.

  2. Ironic how we will find ourselves alligned with Iran, Al Qaeda, ect if we continue to prop up the corrupt Shiite Maliki government.

    On an off topic subject. Has anyone else noticed wd, aka derVis sanDers has more sock puppets that camels have fleas?

    Just sayin...

  3. I say we should just let them fight it out amongst themselves. If we go in and stop it, we will just start the cycle all over again.

  4. I agree with Jerry on Iraq and I agree with dmarks and RN on that other disturbing subject.


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