Wednesday, June 18, 2014

On Senator McCain's Assertion that Doing Nothing in Iraq is the Worst Option

Yeah, I'm gonna have to vote, no, on that one, folks. It is far, far, MORE dangerous to do something stupid, in my opinion, and, so, yeah, if Mr. Obama wants to kick back and get a better lay of the land prior to acting, that is AOK by me.....................................................................................P.S. And how 'bout the chutzpah of frigging Dick Cheney? The dude who was as wrong as anybody this side of the climate modelers on pretty much everything and he's telling Obama what to do? It's totally insane....I mean, not that I'm all that big of a fan of Mr. Obama's, either, but, man, if I were the dude, I would tell Dick Cheney (at the risk of punching downward) to stuff it, big time (his moronic daughter as well).


  1. Yep, Dick Cheney. Absolutely the last person a sane individual would want or accept advice from.

    No I think it's time for an afternoon cocktail and some soccer.

  2. Now, perhaps if the assembled armies of Hesbollah, Iranian Army, Hamas, Al Qaeda, Taliban, PFLP, Ba'ath, Muslim Brotherhood of EgyptFatah etc (terrorists all) all end up in a big battle in a very small area... then, just then, maybe not doing anything is a worse option than covering the area with daisy-cutters and disinfecting it.


  3. That is definitely the 1927 Yankees (Murderer's Row) of terrorism, for certain. Damn!


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