Tuesday, June 17, 2014

On Bibi Netanyahu

No, the dude wouldn't be my first choice, either. BUT WHO CREATED HIM? I would submit that it was Hamas (and their 7,000 rockets), Hezbollah (backed by Iran), Fatah and the al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade, the fact that Yasser Arafat said no to a very generous peace proposal (arrived at through months of good faith negotiating with President Clinton and Prime Minister Barak) and whose cherry on the top was a second Intifada, the fact that Ehud Olmert actually offered a better deal to the Palestinians in 2008 and was told to take a hike by Mahmoud Abbas, etc., etc.. President Eisenhower used to have an expression for situations like this; "the fury of an aroused Democracy", and, boy, is it ever apropos.


  1. Clear cut example of civilization holding back the tide of pure savagery.


  2. I'd take a Bibi Netanyahu over the totally incompetent leadership
    we now have.

    I doubt if Bibi would be in Palm Springs playing golf while our allies are being beheaded by terrorist.

  3. dmarks, Ehud Olmert actually offered Abbas a better deal than Clinton and Barak offered Arafat and Abbas wouldn't even talk to him. What does that tell you of the Palestinian mindset here?......Yeah, I agree, Russ, Mr. Obama's optics of late have been significantly less than ideal.


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