Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Miscellaneous Environmental Lunacy

1) "Loggers losing their jobs due to the spotted owl legislation is in my eyes no different from people being forced out of work after the furnaces of Dachau shut down." David Brower, environmentalist and founder of the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, and numerous other radical pressure groups.............2) "If we cannot stop the building of more coal-fired power plants, those coal-trains will be death-trains - no less gruesome than if they were boxcars headed to a crematoria." James Hansen, former head of NASA, liar, data fudger, and global warming nut.............3) In 1979, Jimmy Carter (who I've never considered a zealot as President) appointed a fellow by the name of Dennis Hayes to be the head of the Department of Energy's Solar Energy Research Institute and this fellow immediately predicted that by 2000, the U.S. would be getting 50% of its total energy needs from solar power. Yeah, I would say that the dude was a little bit off on that one (it's 2013 and we still only get about 2 tenths of 1% from solar).


  1. The NW logging industry suffered a 90% decline prior to the Spotted Owl: dwindling old growth
    forest, automation (a tracked feller-buncher can replace a dozen or more loggers) and Canadian competition. Since the environmental regs, another 11% of
    logging jobs have been eliminated, particularly the small operators. In part, logging remains cyclical: it is booming in
    my area-affected by housing starts, etc. So the decline has
    more than a single cause and any
    comparison to the Nazi holocaust
    is more than a bit of a stretch,

  2. That's why I called it lunacy, BB. I absolutely DON'T endorse the statement.


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