Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sam Harris on Islamic "Honor Killings"

"What can we say about this behavior? Can we say that Middle-Eastern men who are murderously obsessed with female sexual purity actually love their wives, daughters, and sisters LESS than American or European men do? OF COURSE WA CAN. And what is truly incredible about the state of our discourse is that such a claim is not only controversial but actually unutterable in most contexts."


  1. ..."...LESS than American or European men do?..."

    Lets consider American as someone from the Americas (for this instance) instead of just the USA.

    "Latin America

    Crimes of passion within Latin America have also been compared to honor killings.[44] Similar to honor killings, crimes of passion often feature the murder of women by a husband, family member, or boyfriends and the crime is often condoned or sanctioned. In Peru, for example, 70 percent of the murders of women in one year were committed by a husband, boyfriend or lover, and most often jealousy or suspicions of infidelity are cited as the reasons for the murders.[162]"

  2. Of course we're racist for pointing this out.......And how about that Sam Harris, sticking his finger into the eye of every politically correct moron in the country? I love it.



    The contributors here know Rusty lives in Las Vegas and is involved in the gaming industry.

    Well....this Sat. is the perfect storm....why?'s why.

    The absolute betting weekend of the year.

    First.....The third round of the Masters......Watson?Scott?Bjorn?Couples?Scott? The joice is yours.

    Then three Graded Stakes races at Keenland,plus the Arkansaw Derby at Oakland Park.

    Then the NASCAR Sprint race....Harvick on the poll,racing at the "Track Too Tough To Tame.

    Then the topper at MGM Grand Paquiouo vs. Braddley II. At least 2 million pay per view buys.

    Mrs.Rusty and I will be at the fight (thank you Mr.S for the tickets) we will be three rows from the if you see a really good looking Vietnamese woman with an average white guy....that's us...

  4. Will: Racist? That's so silly. A huge proportion of the Muslim population is Caucasian, after all. And this includes the Arabs, Persians, Syrians, etc.

  5. dmarks reminds us that honor killings are a cultural niche of a
    common problem . Apparently, one does not have to pray to Mecca to be a vicious jerk.


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