Tuesday, April 8, 2014

On Leftists Who Insist that George W. Bush was the Worst President in American History and Rightists Who Insist that Barack Obama is the Worst President in American History

Hard-core partisans/prisoners of the moment/historical blank-slates wholly lacking in perspective.


  1. And each of these sides has their cherished pet lies. From thinking George W. Bush stole the election and is a war criminal, to thinking the Barack Obama was not born in the US and is a Muslim terrorist Manchurian Candidate.

    Two peas in a pod.

  2. Yeah, it's fair to say that both men have been on the receiving end of some bizarre and hyperbolic accusations for sure.

  3. And Bush never violated the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians like Lincoln and FDR both did, and he never put people in jail for opposing his policies and/or because of their ethnic makeup like Lincoln and FDR (not to mention, Wilson) also both did.......That, and I would also mention that the Civil War and Vietnam were both undeclared wars and so if Mr. Bush is in fact a war criminal on that account, so, too, are Lincoln and LBJ.

  4. And what about the lunacy of calling Bush a war criminal because he ordered tens of thousands of troops into Afghanistan without specific UN approval?

    Obama did this also... hmmm....

  5. Exactly. It has absolutely nothing to do with principle and everything to do with partisan politics - straight up.

  6. And giving Obama a pass because he didn't start the war is tantamount to giving Nixon a pass over Vietnam (a war that killed 7 times as many U.S. soldiers as Afghanistan and Iraq combined) because he inherited that war from Johnson.

  7. Obama could have had ordered all the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan during early 2009, had he chosen. Instead, he chose not to, and he even chose to significantly ramp up US troop deployment for a while, and early in 2009, what were once George W. Bush's wars became completely President Obama's wars.


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