Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fuck the "Speak Softly" Part, I Guess

How did these two guys suddenly become America's top foreign policy gurus? And why the hell are we still listening to them? I mean, it isn't as if they've given us an inordinate amount of prudent advice and counsel in the past (neoconservatism on steroids at times). That, and no matter what Obama does - the dude could kill a billion terrorists and it still wouldn't be enough - they're never, ever satisfied. I'm telling you here, if I was Mr. Obama, I'd tell 'em both to piss off.


  1. I've said it many times....I cant stomach either of these guys.

    Thank you for your service Mr.McCain,you are a true hero but its time for you to retire to Arizona and spend Cindys money.

    Ms.Lindsey Graham,just STFU and go away.

    From the other side how the hell did that nimrod Joe Biden get a reputation as a foreign policy expert.

  2. Not even our mutual pal could argue with this post. Well said.

  3. Bad pennies keep turning up. Once they do they just seem to stick. Hard to shake em loose.

  4. Off topic Will, but Dervish the Bone Knawing Canine Sanders just banned me from his blog.

    A greater compliment or higher honor is impossible.

    Well, to be complety honest the ban is really only on the most recent thread. Guess he wants to leave the door open to me commenting again after "I've learned my lesson."

    Funny eh?

  5. Yeah, that is pretty funny. And how 'bout the fact that he actually posed as a conservative (Barlowe Bayer) FOR MONTHS, simply in an effort to stick it to me and dmarks? That is pretty effed up as well, I think.

  6. Yeah, evil manifests itself in many ways. Apparently it can be found on and amongst old bones, just knawing away.

  7. Barlowe Bayer heard that dmarks thinks ol' Barlowe is a "handle" of that liberal douche you're always talking about here on the blog of Will Hart, but Barlowe stridently denies it ("confessions" aside). Barlowe also denies knowing who the hell Richard W. Symonds is. Barlowe has never heard of this person. He does find it quite funny, however, that from now on - if anyone who disagrees with Will decides to comment - that Will is going to suspect the commenter might be the hated "WD" in disguise. Barlowe laughs at the thought. Barlowe also laughs at dmarks and Will, given the success of his prank. By the way, this guy who shits himself... Barlowe thinks that he might be a handle used by Dennis... er, I mean "dmarks".

  8. Just an example of the depravity out there, folks.

  9. Forgive me, but this BB is a real zip wad asshat. Birds of a feather flock together. Whether progressive or conservative the the depraved mentality has the same narcissistic motivation.


  10. RN......its your buddy Col.Sanders......hard to believe someone would waste that much time for nothing.....I guess when you are sucking on the public teat you have an excess of time.....a prime example of a taker or a maker.

  11. Hey, Russ, the only other possibility is Cliffy (an excess amount of spare time, etc.) and I don't even know if he's still alive at this point.


  12. Holy Christ Will.....I had totally forgotten about Clif.
    I guess you could say Clif is an older version of WD,but somewhat smarter and Cliffy did serve in the army while the only thing WD ever served was food at the drive up window.

    WD is the prototypical liberal "taker" who contributes absolutely nothing to society and has zero value to the economy.His ilk cannot be embarrassed, for he feels deep in his soul successful people got there through some conspiracy rigged against him and now owe him.

  13. Will: It should also be noted, that Shaw Kenawe, who has complained about the fakers swarming around her, has enthusiastically endorsed Mr. Sanders' "Barlowe" game.

    A game, which, by the way, was up quite a while ago, when Barlowe actually asked who the Col. was... something that told me he was Mr. Sanders.

    Really, the only "gotcha" here is Shaw's trick in making people believe she has any integrity. I thought a lot better of her, now I don't.

    I've been away attending to more important matters, but have dropped in here for a bit. My latest blog post concerns Gore, a man who had absolutely nothing to do with the invention (or creation, for pedants) of the Internet and was most definitely not elected to the Presidency in 2000:

  14. And speaking of pranks, it is clear that RN is pulling WD's strings like a master... or would be, if he wanted to bother with that.

    All he has to do is refuse to post a few of WD's comments, and WD predictably launches into a very time-consuming post on his own blog in which WD proves to us that RN was quite wise to not let the posts appear on RN's own blog.

  15. I'd like to be compassionate and disagree with you, Russ, but I can't. Ya' nailed the thing.......Yeah, I was kind of disappointed in Shaw, too, dmarks. You'd think that the woman would have a little more sense than to scrape the bottom of the ship like that.......And what's with the Obama worship?

  16. Will: Speaking "pranks", I played Barlowe/Dervish/Lickshitz whatever he uses like a fiddle, and spent very little time doing it.

    The "truth about Dervish" post on my blog, the mere title of which caused WD to have a major tantrum on several blogs, was just a couple of paragraphs on the historic Whirling Dervishes.

    The posts about Dennis were about the cartoon character Dennis the Menace. The posts with Sanders in the title were all about the fast-food magnate.

    My most recent post about Gore and Sanders was this time about Gore Vidal (a man who, like Al Gore, never created the Internet), with an unrelated pic of Col. Sanders.

    All of these posts on my blog took about two minutes to write, just some quick cuts and pastes. All of them generated multiple false accusations/assumptions, along with extremely time consuming whiny posts at WD's blog based on the false assumptions. None of my blog posts or posts or content have ever involved W Dervish/etc, now or ever. Most of them have elicited some interesting comments from participants.

    I've decided to stop, for the reason that there is only so much that can be said about Col. Harland Sanders and Dennis the Menace. I have no doubt WD will easily find other reasons to have conniptions, such as recently when he whined and moaned at great length because RN sent to spam some of WD's below-standards comments at "Rational Nation".

  17. The amount of time that he spends writing comments (hundreds of them and on multiple posts) that will never be posted, read, or responded to - that time alone would probably be sufficient for an Associate's degree online.

  18. ".... that time alone would probably be sufficient for an Associate's degree online..."

    Remove all the letters from the first "O" through the word "degree", and you have the unfortunate reality.


  19. Seeing that I am part of his support system....the next time he's in the neighborhood I'd like him to sweep the driveway.

  20. He has a blog entitled "The Truth About Dennis Marks" and it is chock to the brim with long, meandering, and paranoiac diatribes that nobody in his right mind would ever read beyond sentence one and, so, yeah, sweeping your driveway would definitely be a huge step up.


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