Friday, March 7, 2014

Troubling if True

I feel that I've always been pretty even-handed with Reagan; neither lionizing nor vilifying the man. But I also have to admit that I've recently uncovered something that I do find MOST disturbing. According to the Journal of Historical Review (Winter 1986), President Reagan actually went as far as to include the likes of Jerry Falwell and Hal Lindsey in numerous of his national security briefings at the White House, especially those that pertained to the Middle East (the religious right's support of Israel being little more than a cynical ploy that these folks feel will ultimately lead to the second coming of Christ with the Jews either being converted or perishing). The fact that any world leader would allow the presence of such thoroughly irrational men at any of his or her policy meetings - and especially those that pertain to national security - isn't exactly what I would call a comforting thought, people.


  1. ...and it came to pass in those days that while all politics is local, some politics is relgious .


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