Thursday, March 6, 2014

Question for the 99%ers 3

You do realize, don't you, that one of the major reasons for income inequality in this country is the fact that government regulations have had a disproportionately larger negative impact on smaller businesses (according to the SBA, the cost of compliance is 40% greater per employee in small businesses than it is in the larger ones) than they've have on major corporations (not to mention the fact that large corporations are far more likely to be bailed out) and that even the cost and complexity of starting a damned business has made it next to impossible in certain states (unless of course you have connections)?

1 comment:

  1. The 99%'ers, who really represent the interests of a strange combination of 20% of a hardcore left group of average citizens, and the much less than 1% who have the most power in the country (all told, still a minority) aren't interested in the facts.

    These brownshirts have a narrative to follow, principle and truth and the lessons of history be damned.

    The quotation WD made when worshipping Stalin (about hating rich people) fits in with their mentality. Hatred like this, arising from greed and jealousy, is actually fully as bad as racism and hatred for religious reasons. This is because more people have died over this kind of hatred than for the other reasons.

    Stalin was preaching to the lazy and indolent who are consumed with the sins of greed and envy and who seek to be successful by demonizing and stealing from good productive citizens who actually do something worthwhile. Some people eat it up, and when they do, tens of millions die.


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