Saturday, January 11, 2014

On the Mind of the Doctrinaire, Absolutist, Straight Down the Line, Never Deviating True Believer

It is filled with biased information and opinion, easily led, fails to understand the limitations of science and epistemology, and is wholly incapable of critical thinking. In my opinion, these folks are at the very minimum useless and can in fact be dangerous during the reigns of charismatic leaders. It is also my belief that we need to identify them and at an early age teach them to think for themselves, be skeptical, etc. - for their good and for the good of society (i.e., keeping them away from water towers, book depositories, etc.).


  1. And when Presidents and former Presidents make appearances in their town, it is best that the Secret Service roll a couple of tear gas canisters into their basement hideouts, just to be safe.

  2. Agreed; learning to think critically is a problem . Part of the situation is addressing learning as 'groupthink' rather than varying motivation to meet
    specific student learning methods.
    If one can evaluate data and accept even that which does not fit with their preconception, that person will be a problem
    solver. I'm no expert on pedagogy, but can recognize its
    failures and successes.

  3. BB as I has said elsewhere is pretty good at finding exceptions, or even contrary trends, to puncture arguments.


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