Friday, January 10, 2014

Beans on Steroids Counting

I have 13 playing cards here. You know how many possible combinations that I can get from them? Try 6,227,020,800. There, now can you even begin to imagine the possible number of combinations that currently exist in the American economy; businesses, workers, consumers, etc.? It has to be a nearly incalculable number and yet we continue to have these politicians (from both parties - totally bipartisan here) and bureaucrats who still think that they can somehow micromanage the workings of America commerce via fiat, central-planning, etc.....Let's see here, what was it that Hayek called this phenomenon? Oh yeah, he called it "the fatal conceit".


  1. Megalomania. Hubris. The arrogance of power.

  2. Even in the making of a ballpoint pen the number of aspects which surround it are staggering and government just doesn't have the knowledge.

  3. Ballpoint pens:
    something we don't think about much. Apparently, the ink is critical and they have ones that
    work underwater and in outer space. A bit mind-boggling, mass
    producing ball bearings of 0.012",
    then fitting them in an appropriate housing. Some wag described the ballpoint pen as a
    miniature verson of roll on anti
    perspirant, but mass production of either is a fascinating operation. (I know as little about it as the government)


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