Saturday, October 12, 2013

It's What They Get for Listening to Hannity

The Republicans are sooooooooo stupid. The Democrats and Mr. Obama have passed this ridiculous healthcare bill that basically nobody (from the Tea Party all the way to Jimmy Hoffa Jr.) cares for and which obviously isn't ready for prime-time and instead of simply allowing the Democrats to own this monstrosity and potentially hang themselves with it, THEY TAKE AWAY THE ROPE!!! Duh!!..............................................................................And just the way that they've handled themselves from the get; threatening to to defund a law that had already been passed, signed by the President, and even deemed Constitutional by the courts. I mean, yeah, they eventually moved and what they're advocating now isn't all that unreasonable (delaying the individual mandate just as the President has delayed the one for business) but when you come out of the gate acting like a douche immediately, who's going to take you seriously?...............................................................................P.S. And here's the real ironic part of it. I'm beginning to have a sneaking suspicion that Obama is going to delay the individual mandate anyway, ON HIS OWN, and that this whole GOP suicide mission will have been for naught. 8% approval rating, indeed!!

1 comment:

  1. You can't reason with a Cruz, Gohmert, or most of the dimwits driving the idiocy.

    With dolts like Hannity, Palin, Limbaugh et all in the media pumping nonstop BS we get the hard core faithful loons buying the insanity.

    You're right Will, the repubs should have worked with the dems to craft a better law from the get go or else just let them own it lock stock and barrell,

    But these guys are basically politically tone deaf at this point. Either that or they are so beholden to their puppet masters they have no choice having lost all independence.


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