Friday, October 11, 2013

The Keynes Curve?

"...taxation may be so high as to defeat its object, and that, given the sufficient time to gather the fruits, a reduction of taxation will run a better chance than an increase of balancing the budget."......John Maynard Keynes. Gee, I wonder if he said this before or after Hoover raised taxes 152% and plunged a recovering U.S. economy into a depression.


  1. Taxation can never be high enough!

    Private Property is a sin!

  2. The troll pShaw Kenawe making the rounds.

    Had to put this putz on spam watch over at RN USA Will.


  3. Willing to venture a guess who it is?

  4. Nah. Don't really care. Buy I do have my suspicious.

    But go ahead, take a stab at it!

  5. Neither do I. Nor do I care. Just another asshat in my book.

  6. Hello Will, I know exactly who the impostor troll is. It's a conservative blogger who calls himself "Thersites," and "FJ." He spammed and harassed me and my blog last summer to the point where I had to go to comment moderation. He's the type of mentally unbalanced person who, when he doesn't agree with someone's opinion, he has to resort to what he's done above. When a person can't counter an argument or position with reason, they usually resort to underhanded cheating. That's who "Thersites" is. I could draw a parallel to what others of his ilk resort to, but I won't. Cheers, the real Shaw Kenawe

  7. I sympathize, Shaw. I just deleted 9 rambling missives from wd which I didn't read and which he knows that I'll never publish. Here's to hoping that neither he nor your spammer ever ends up cocked and loaded at a water tower some day.


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