Saturday, October 12, 2013

Finally, Some Sanity

Jon Huntsman (a Republican) and Evan Bayh (a Democrat), two members of the bipartisan group, No Labels, have taken to the airwaves and called for a ceasefire (and an obvious end to this moronic shutdown) in Washington. Here's to hoping that at least somebody is listening to them.


  1. Here's the thing Will. Those who get what they are saying likely already got it some time ago. Those who haven't yet got it are probably too dense to ever get it.

    They want a representative democracy ONLY if it is on their terms.


  2. There was a WSJ poll this week that said over 60% of Americans want to throw out all of congress....yet Id be willing to bet that in Nov. 2014 the majority of incumbents get re-elected.....Americans aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

  3. I think that the whole redistricting thing is what's screwing us, guys. 90% of the seats are totally safe for one side or the other and the only time that a person gets challenged is from an even harder core from his or her own party. Guys like Huntsman and Bayh don't have much of a chance these days.


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