Thursday, August 8, 2013

On the "Green Economy"

The "green economy" is a bald joke. It was an abject failure in Spain and if it weren't for the massive subsidies in our country it wouldn't even exist here.......And the world had a green economy once. It was called the 14th century and people lived to roundabout 30. Mankind has developed the capacity to split the atom and instead we're building windmills that operate at a 10-35% capacity, require massive amounts of carbon energy for start-up, and which need a fossil fuel back-up anyway. WE ARE NUTS.


  1. Socialist Cuba has a green economy too.

  2. They also have a high percentage of their GDP in manufacturing. Sounds like heaven for wd.

  3. Yes, a lot like North Korea, which is a WD utopia.

    Cuba also has single-payer healthcare.

    Plutocrats are on the run there. In fact, it is set up so there is only one plutocrat (Castro) and the economic system makes sure that just about everyone else is in abject poverty. Mom-and-pop stores, a large sector of plutocracy in the US according to WD, are very rare there also.

    They don't have Citizens United. In fact, people there get killed for "electioneering" (speaking out on political issues in an attempt to change people's minds) and if someone there tried to make a movie critical of the Castro family like someone did about Hillary here (again, something WD wants outlawed), they would be beaten and tortured.


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