Thursday, August 8, 2013

On the "Green Economy" Addendum

And how is it "selfish" to not want the world economy to be ruined? If you're asking me, it's the radical environmental movement that's the selfish party here. These miserable bastards go globe-trotting all over the planet halting projects that would undoubtedly bring jobs and energy to areas that desperately need them, and once they succeed, they head back to their air-conditioned offices in New York City, Melbourne, etc......................................................................And if you think that I'm exaggerating on the effects of radical environmentalism on the economy, think again. According to Yale economist (and believer in AGW), Richard Nordhaus, the Stern proposal would cost the world $27 trillion and only obviate the damage from global warming by $13 trillion, and the Gore proposal would cost the world $34 trillion (you had to figure that the Gore proposal would be more) and only obviate the damage from global warming by $12 trillion. It seems to me, folks, that it will be far, Far, FAR, less costly to adapt to global warming (if in fact it happens - many such as Piers Corbyn of Weather Action have argued , no) than it will be to prevent it. Of course that will also mean significantly less money to the government and............


  1. .

    " If you're asking me, ..."

    Which I am not....

    Carry on governor...

    Ema Nymton

  2. Environmentalists are killing people, Ema. You really need to open your peepers.

  3. .

    "Environmentalists are killing people, Ema. "

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

    Yes, and Jews killed Nazis in Germany .


    Ema Nymton

  4. Will: I also think of the alternative, biofuels movement. Which is definitely pushed by the Left and environmentalists.

    Do a search on keywords such as biofuels and famine, biofuels and starvation.

    This is just one, from Germany.

    " DW: Mr. Ziegler, who is at fault for the fact that every five seconds worldwide, a child starves to death?

    The second reason is biofuels. Let's take the example of the largest producer in the world, the United States of America. In 2010, the USA burned 138 million tons of corn and hundreds of million tons of grain in order to manufacture ethanol and biodiesel. If you have a car that runs on biofuel, you would have to use 352 kilograms of corn in order to fill up a 50-liter tank. A child in Zambia or Mexico - where corn is a basic staple - could live on this amount for a whole year."

    From Deseret News

    "“There are pros and cons to biofuel, but not here,” Misael Gonzáles of C.U.C., a labor union for Guatemala’s farmers, told the New York Times. “These people don’t have enough to eat. They need food. They need land. They can’t eat biofuel, and they don’t drive cars.”"

    From Warren Mosler



    Ema is taking the exact position of someone who scoffs and laughs when presented with facts that challenge their lazily-held pre-conceived notions, as opposed to exploring new ideas with an open and curious mind.

  5. Yeah, ethanol is a total scam. According to Robert Bryce and Vaclav Smil, it has a power density level of .05 watts per square meter which would make it about 1/500th that of a typical oil or gas well.......That and the tens of billions of dollars in subsidies.


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