Wednesday, August 7, 2013

On Diane Lane Playing Hillary Clinton in an Upcoming Mini-Series

What's next? Heidi Klum as Eleanor Roosevelt? Megan Fox as Lady Bird Johnson?


  1. Rosie O'donnell would have been fit better.

  2. Just to be clear here, gents, I'm not saying that Hillary is a dog, juts that she AIN'T Diane Lane.......And, yeah, Betty White is way cool.

  3. Casting can be a problem. Donna Reed played Sacajawea in 'Far Horizons'..earning it a place among the the 10
    Most Historically Misleading Films.
    Eleanor Roosevelt was hardly a raving beauty and I can almost see
    Don Knox in drag...Streep played
    Thatcher to mixed revues; its tricky.

    1. Streep did a fine job playing Thatcher. The friggiing so called experts are not often off the mark.

  4. Put a wig on Gilbert Gottfried and he can play Michelle.


  5. They would have to pad Gilbets ass to match Moochie's

  6. Les: painful image, no? Enjoy your vacation!

  7. I actually think that Mrs. Obama has been a pretty good first lady and if given the choice between him and her I would most assuredly take her.

  8. I don't think she has been bad at all, except for her awful boneheaded gaffe about not being proud of America. Really stupid.

    I have lived my adult life almost the exact same length of time as Michelle Obama's. And during this period there have been numerous milestones, and numerous milestones/advances for leftists, and numerous milestones for achievement for African-Americans... of which her husband's election is just one.

  9. Yeah, she got off to a shaky start but since then she's conducted herself with class and addressed some very important causes such as childhood obesity. I give her a solid score.

  10. Will: I can accept that... And you can point out that just about everyone has a whopper of a gaffe in their past.

  11. I also thought that Laura Bush was good and better than HER husband

  12. Apparently Meryl Streep can play just about anyone .


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