Wednesday, August 7, 2013

To Those Of You Who Are Petrified Over the Prospect of Cataclysmic Man-Made Global Warming

Relax. Please, relax. There is no tipping point. There is no runaway greenhouse effect (carbon dioxide levels have been much higher in the past and the earth has never once turned into Hades). Yes, CO2 IS a greenhouse gas but its effects on the atmosphere are logarithmic (you get the most noticeable warming from the first 20-40 ppm and by the time that you get to 400 ppm the effects are negligible). And while there may in fact be an interaction between CO2 and water vapor, the feedbacks seem to be negative in that the increased cloud cover tends to counteract the sun's rays..................................................................................And even if we do get a warmer climate and increased CO2 levels, those aren't necessarily bad things. Life on earth has almost always flourished (please, name one global warming period in which mass extinctions occurred - ONE!) during periods of warming (global cooling - now that shit is lethal) and the increase in CO2 is more than likely to produce better crop yields and help the rainforest. My advice to all of those worry-warts out there would be to just kick back and enjoy the rays at this point....Oh, and don't wreck the economy, please. That we do not need.


  1. Hey, Dan. Welcome back. Yeah, I basically agree; small increases in warming from a doubling of CO2 in experiments and more than likely even less than that in nature....And I'll definitely check out those links. Thanks.

  2. I strongly recommend that my colleagues read all of Mr. Pangburn's articles but especially the 4th one. It is comprehensive but also accessible to us laymen.

  3. In the wake of "An Inconvenient Truth", the only thing that has warmed is Al Gore's bank account.

    Credit is due to this man... self-described inventor of the Internet... the man who would have been (s)elected President if voter intent were ignored. He has really pulled one over on a lot of people.

  4. A 28% increase in atmospheric CO2 over the last dozen years and a total flatlining of temperatures - yeah, I would say that this sucker has sufficiently run its course.

  5. Svensmark is quite an interesting scientist whose theory is at least as valid as CO2 being the cause (of the 20th Century warming).......I also think that Piers Corbyn and Richard Lindzen are predicting cooling.


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