Monday, June 10, 2013

On Bending the Healthcare Cost Curve

There are only two ways (that I can figure) to really accomplish it (and, no, one of them ISN'T Obamacare); a) A single payer system replete with rationing or b) healthcare savings accounts supplemented with a catastrophic provision in which the patient controls his own expenditures (eliminating the middle-man of government and the insurance companies). I myself much prefer the latter option because it seems to be working for various non-insured healthcare procedures such as lasix eye surgery and nose (and boob) jobs (a much improved outcome at lowered costs).


  1. Or, we could seriously study the Swiss system (which is fairly effective) thath is market based, covers everyone, and is by far more cost effective than the USA system.

    But hey, we're Americans. We have to build. New mousetrap so to speak. Even if it doesn't. improve things but rather makes them worse...
    Except for the insurance companiea, the pharmacueticals, and the very poor.

  2. (A) means death panels. Under (b) that won't happen. So I choose (b) also.


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