Monday, June 10, 2013

Jeffrey Immelt Check-List

1) Get chummy with Bush.......2) Get chummy with Obama.......3) Hitch the wagon to as many government sponsored green energy initiatives as possible.......4) Pay absolutely nothing (and maybe even get some money back) in federal income taxes.......5) Try and figure out who the next President is going to be and get real chummy with him, too.


  1. Bout sums it up.

    Ayn Rand certainly was ahead of the curve.

    It's history now. But few are paying attention.


  2. Crony capitalism (as seemingly practiced by both parties) has all but destroyed legitimate capitalism and all that's left is buzzards picking at the remains.

  3. RN: my respect for Rand only grows now.


  4. Immelt wears a custom tailored Teflon suit.

    You know the difference between an ass kisser and a brown noser....depth perception.


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