Tuesday, June 11, 2013

An Extreme Paucity of Perspective

"Between JFK and RWR the wrong president survived being shot."............Under zero circumstances whatsoever should the author of this comment ever be allowed to purchase a firearm, and he should seek psychiatric help immediately.


  1. I think I understand the point he was attempting to make. That aside, yes you are absolutely right about the dude who authored the comment.

    Both Presidents were good and honorable men. Evil individals do evil things. Unfortunately sometimes the world losses someone of great value as a result.

  2. It's one thing to make a joke about a guy who's been dead for 50 years and another basically saying that you wish somebody had died. wd is officially insane, Les.............Oh, and, wd, I didn't read either of those 2 lengthy screeds of yours. In the words of Bill O'Reilly, "keep it pithy."

  3. Replies
    1. WD actually penned that? Christ, he is a sick dude. I knew he was strange and bit off balance after I visited his site on Truth's recommendation. Never went back a third time.

  4. Not surprising.... WD wanted to the attempted murder of Ronald Reagan be successful. He is a violent-minded person. I recall the numerous times he called for the murder of George W. Bush over war crimes that never occured (war crimes that the actual authorities, the ICC, have repeatedly said never happened).

    This goes way beyond the typical fringe anti-Presidential nuttery (i.e. Obama is a Marxist, Bush stole the election, Clinton ordered people snuffed in Arkansas, Reagan is the Antichrist, etc). Unhinged violent extremism, surely.

  5. I actually kind of prefer Kennedy to Reagan myself. But it's not like one of them is a saint and the other one a devil. Social spending as a % of GDP (state, local, and federal) was 18.4% in 1980 and 18.2% in 1988. It's like, what, we're going to vilify a man who defeated inflation, high interest rates, and unemployment over 2 tenths of 1%?


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