Monday, June 10, 2013

From the Asinine Mind of a Radical Environmentalist

"It's not possible for people to have the material lifestyle of the average American citizen. And that's not necessarily a healthy lifestyle to aspire to. In fact, there are many ways in which we find Americans very unhappy, because they can't spend any time with their families, or with their friends. There's no sense of community anymore. It's a hectic pace. Who would want to wish that on the rest of the world?" Brent Blackwelder, Friends of the Earth.............Can you even believe this guy? We have hundreds of millions of people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America who don't have electricity, who heat their "homes" with cow dung, and who are dying slow, agonizing deaths from malaria and malnutrition, and the best that this fucking imbecile can come up with is "hectic pace" and "no sense of community"? I mean, talk about a once noble movement that has totally gone off the rails and lost its perspective, this, folks, would be that number.


  1. The words of someone who is a megalomaniac, control freak, someone acting out of complete ignorance and arrogance... someone who feels that his lifestyle preferences and choices are the ONLY choices that should be allowed to other people.

    Sorry, Brent. Speak for yourself.

  2. dmarks, try and get your hands on a copy of "Eco Imperialism" by Paul Driessen (a FORMER member of the Sierra Club). The book is replete with examples like this.


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