Saturday, June 8, 2013

Discourses on Mass Appeal

"Germany will be at its greatest when its poorest citizens are also its most loyal." Adolph Hitler............."I consider it a great advantage when we have 700,000 small pensioners drawing from their annuities from the state, especially if they belong to those classes who otherwise do not have so much to lose by an upheaval and erroneously believe that they can actually gain much from it.......I have lived in France long enough to know that the faithfulness of most of the French to their government is largely connected with the fact that most of the French receive a state pension.......Whoever has a pension for his old age is far more content and far easier to handle than one who has no such respect." Otto von Bismarck............."If you want to acquire a reputation for generosity, therefore you have to be ostentatiously lavish, and a prince acting in that fashion will soon squander all his resources, only to be forced in the end, if he wants to maintain his reputation, to lay excessive burdens on the people...." Niccolo Machiavelli............."These Negroes, they‘re getting pretty uppity these days and that‘s a problem for us since they‘ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we‘ve got to do something about this, we‘ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.......I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years." Lyndon Baines Johnson (asserting here that Machiavelli was wrong, at least on an individual basis).


  1. "I consider it a great advantage when we have 700,000 small pensioners drawing from their annuities from the state"

    The "H" man, the quintessential socialist, speaks to a common theme common in all forms of socialism. Subservience to, and dependence upon, those who rule.

  2. Just to clear here, I'm not equating LBJ to Hitler. I'm just trying to underscore just how insidious constituency politics can be, both to the individual and to society.......And I would probably go with "bigot", too, Les. I mean, he certainly had enough had enough of those n____ers killed off in Vietnam early on.

  3. I am not aware of any such bigotry from any of our Presidents from Ford on....

    Sure, it came from candidates (Jesse Jackson and "Hymietown", etc) but these were not elected.

    Nixon made a bunch of nasty statements though.

  4. I heard that he used to refer to Kissinger as a "dirty Jew".

  5. It is like how the current Vice President said that black leaders are typically dull, inarticulate, and dirty. I guess he is a throwback to those old days.

  6. Yeah, that was a pretty huge gaffe, huh? Ouch.

  7. Rev. Sharpton's response to Biden's racist smear was priceless.


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