Saturday, June 8, 2013

On the "Bromance"

I personally feel that it's a good thing whenever a Democrat and a Republican get together and form a positive relationship and, yes, I would absolutely like to see more of it (not that I'm holding my breath, mind you, with morons like Pelosi - the biotch hasn't even made spell-check yet - and Bitch McConnell ruling the roost).


  1. My respect for Christie has risen of late. The man in my opinion is acting very much like a public servant should. I'm quite sure the founding fathers would approve.


  2. Amen, Les.

    Chris Christie is acting in the public interest so much of the time, which is not that common among powerful politicians.

    In the link below, you can see he has clearly earned the wrath of destructive special interest groups which aim to get public service "workers" rich while preventing their necessary jobs from being completed:

    The above link, of course, contains many falsehoods. Despite the claims in the rant, Christie has never "attacked those workers’ right to join together" to do anything in any shape or form, ever.


  3. Christie is a republican governor in a very blue state, up for re-election next year How else should he act? He may be a bit over weight but he aint stupid.He's also riding an approval rating closing in on 70%.

  4. I would like to see him run as an independent in 2016. I know that I would certainly give him some consideration.


  5. Wish in one hand you still hold stock that an (I) could win a general election? If you is the weather in OZ today?

  6. That is where we are, Rusty. The Land of Oz. Where a humbug rules over us all by means of smoke and mirrors. And he blew in from Midwest on a balloon of Hope and Change.... Where the media is full of cowardly lying, pundits argue by creating straw-men, and it is hard to find someone with a heart..... and the Wicked Witch waits in the wings to take over in 2016.

  7. I think that there are a handful of independents who could possibly get to 270 electoral votes and Christie is one of them.

  8. I like Christie - he's a man of his word and for a politician, that's very rare. I wish he were running my state. My aunt and uncle, both liberal democrats, like him too. The only person who could beat him for governor is Cory Booker - that man is unbelievable for what he did for the citizens of Newark during that massive snow storm.


  9. Christie isn't an independent Will,he's a republican.......hell,he gave the keynote address at the convention last August.

  10. Will: Wealthy anti-worker organizations like the AFL-CIO will use millions of dollars of dues money from workers that don't even want to belong to it to fight Christie to their last breath.

  11. Russ, I noticed that you spelled Republican with a small r in Mr. Christie's case. It's one of the reasons why I'd like to seem him move to the Is


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