Sunday, June 9, 2013

I Would Probably Go With These Three Guys (With Washington and Monroe Nipping at Their Heels)

What would be my answer to the question, "So, who, in your opinion, are the three greatest (I'm actually kind of nervous even using that word) Presidents in U.S. history?"


  1. With Thomas Jefferson in the lead position. There was something JFK once said about Jefferson, intelligence and dining alone.

    I trust you recall the incident to which I refer.

  2. I like Jefferson better as a philosopher than as a President but I still would put him in the top 10 easily.


  3. You do know JFK never wanted to be fact he wanted nothing to do with politics.

    Old Joe Kennedy was intent on his elder son Joe running for office...but alas young Joe was killed in WWII....Joe senior then turned to John....the rest is history.

    The little known story is John had many dustups with the old man over his political future.John always wanted to be involved in fact he aspired to be a professional boxer....yes,that is the little known fact JFK didn't want to be president....he wanted nothing to do with politics....he wanted to be a professional boxer....the only drawback was.....he couldn't take a shot to the head.....

    Im here all week....try the veal....tip your waiters....

  4. Rusty, I am sure your Ted Kennedy jokes will drown the joint with laughter. And your Rev. Jim Jones joke? The punchline is a KILLER, I tell ya!

  5. I've heard that the vegetarian lasagna is decent, too.......And which of you two fellas' is the headliner?

  6. wd's sensibilities are offended yet again. Please, somebody tell a Reagan getting shot joke to passify him.......Of course, there's always, "So, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

  7. Between JFK and RWR the wrong president survived being shot.


  8. WD has blog were he not only writes the threads,he also makes all the comments and all his postings are directed at Will in some way or another.I think he has a brocrush on Will....shudder.

  9. I decided to leave the above wd comment to show you people just how depravely and seriously that the fellow takes this stuff.

  10. Rusty: At least he has stopped sending me dozens of endless private comments about his penis.

  11. Or maybe he didn't. For all I know, shoving all of his massive pile of profanity-laced diatribes to the spam filter worked. And he is still sending dozens per day only I never see them.


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